
We’re your strategic communications team. We wake up each morning driven and passionate about helping you manage risks to your reputations, interests, and objectives.

Who are we? Crisis managers. Communication strategists. Thought leaders. Award-winning journalists and media experts. Business and government leaders. Coalition builders.

As one, we are your team – your trusted advisors and partners. Behind the scenes. In your offices and boardrooms. On your frontlines. Just one text or call away.

Experienced. Connected. Driven.


A sampling of our
team members’





Authored the crisis communication and media relations strategy for the attorney representing the brothers in the Jussie Smollett case in Chicago


Introduced Spain’s largest generic pharmaceutical company to potential U.S. partners and leaders of the U.S. Congress


Conducted media and community assessment for U.S. Department of Justice Collaborative Reform initiative for a major East Coast city


Managed media for clients such as a nationally prominent figure during a bribery scandal, a national nonprofit during an embezzlement scandal, and two investment banks confronting negative media coverage

Developed the crisis communication strategy for a municipality after the US EPA reported a local company had been releasing cancer-causing emissions for 30+ years


Successfully lobbied for passage of state legislation requiring high school students to take and pass a civics class before graduation, bringing Illinois into alignment with 41 other states


Developed international business relations with representatives from the United Nations


Delivered crisis communication and media training for Fortune 250 executives, federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, U.S. attorneys, and political leaders at all levels of government

Introduced the world's largest co-living space provider to Chicago's media market and key political leaders as the German company's registered lobbyist


Developed and executed of communication strategy for municipality facing a police in-custody death and community protests


Authored broadcast quality content for the nation’s largest transportation provider, leading production in more than 14 U.S. cities


Led and facilitated the largest U.S. fundraising drive for the victims of Italy’s Amatrice earthquake

We are your team.